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Exploring Divine Perspectives on Abortion

What Does God Say About Abortion?

Delve into a profound exploration of Biblical teachings and divine insights on the complex issue of abortion, seeking understanding and guidance from Scripture.

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Understanding Abortion Through a Biblical Lens

What does God say about abortion? All over the internet and beyond there are arguments that abortion is not in the Bible, an unborn baby is not a human, Christians are not supposed to judge, women should have a choice what to choose to do with their own bodies and so on, but what does God say about abortion in the Bible?

Let’s start here at 1 Timothy 1:8-10, where Paul tells us the Mosaic law was not written for Christians because Christians have the Mosaic Law written on our hearts by God as promised here. We know right from wrong and good from evil naturally after being born again because God himself placed that wisdom within us when we became a child of His. We know not to murder another human being simply because we are born again.

Our ways seem foolish to the world because the world cannot understand our thinking. The world cannot see the deep things of God that we have the ability to grasp. That is why Jesus spoke to His disciples in parables, because those people not born again could not understand. His disciples were not yet born again either until they got the Holy Spirit within them also, but they had Jesus Himself to explain His parables to them.

Jesus told them He would not leave them alone, the Holy Spirit would be sent to them as another person exactly the same as Jesus to help them along. Jesus told them He would not leave them orphans, He will come to them. Jesus was talking about after He went back to Heaven, then the Holy Spirit would be sent down to them in the upper room.

Jesus, the Father, the Holy Spirit, all one God. If you have the Mosaic law written on your heart, then you have God written on your heart. Since we have the Holy Spirit, we have Jesus with us at all times, that is what Jesus was saying and that is what we who know the truth understand, and yes, we seem like fools to the world for what we know that the world only believes we believe. Don’t get discouraged. The world is full of beliefs, but we know the truth.

That is where those in the world cannot understand us. They think they know things and they may have some beliefs, but they assume we are just believing or thinking we know also, but we solidly know the truth and our goal should be to know the author of truth, God.

Since we know the truth, we know human life begins at conception. We know a fetus is just another name for an unborn baby, a name that makes the baby seem impersonal so it is easier for the mother to kill her child. So, what does God call a mother who kills her child?

There were several ways women used to have abortions in antiquity. One way was women used to ingest something called The Sodom Apple.

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Another way women aborted their babies was women used to carry their baby to full term, dig a hole in the ground and then give birth to the baby in the hole. The mother would then just walk away as her baby lay crying in his or her own blood waiting to die. This is what God referenced about the Jewish people when He said,

“And when I passed by you and saw you struggling in your own blood, I said to you in your blood, ‘Live!’ Yes, I said to you in your blood, ‘Live!’” Ezekiel 16:6-14.

A third way women used to abort their babies in antiquity was to sacrifice them to idols, false gods. A temple of an idol was not a place where they would worship false gods like we worship the real God. All these temples had certain sins behind them. Whatever sin the person loved, they could go to one of these temples and indulge in their favorite sin.

Through the indulgence of her sin, a woman may have slept with over 30 men in one binge weekend. There was no protection back then and women got pregnant a lot. These were unwanted pregnancies and no way they had a clue who the father was, so what the women would do is they would sacrifice their children to false gods, demons, as soon after their babies were born as possible.

One of these false gods was called Molech. God had to put it in the Mosaic law to specifically tell these women not to sacrifice their children to the fire of Molech.

God referenced all this when He said, “Moreover you took your sons and your daughters, whom you bore to Me, and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured. Were your acts of harlotry a small matter, that you have slain My children and offered them up to them by causing them to pass through the fire? And in all your abominations and acts of harlotry you did not remember the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare, struggling in your blood.

“Then it was so, after all your wickedness—‘Woe, woe to you!’ says the Lord God—” Ezekiel 16:20-23.

So, what does God say about abortion? God said, “You even took the sons and daughters you bore to Me and sacrificed them as food to idols. Was your prostitution not enough? You slaughtered My children and delivered them up through the fire to idols.” Ezekiel 16:20-21.

Sacrificing and slaughtering are two different Hebrew words that are related in a way that means something super special to God, and God is not very happy with those who kill His children. The actual word children means son. God is saying abortion kills sons of God. So, what is God going to do about it? You will find out what God is going to do about it on the next post.